Sunday, 22 June 2014

Sunday Favourites

Things making me smile on this sunny Sunday...

The beginnings of our colourful gallery wall. My boyfriend and I are both adding to it - I seem to add a lot of bird prints, he adds a lot of colourful abstract prints. It's a bit of both of us :)

...And I'll soon be adding this bright vintage advertising sign to it. My parents found it for me. I'd love a whole collection of them, and especially a Cadbury's one, but they sell for so much money!

I've also been adding to my 'cute postcard' stash. I can't resist buying them every time I pass Paperchase.

...Even my boyfriend has got in the habit of feeding my postcard-obsession. Isn't he good?! 


And of course little Pancake, and his sheer joy of chasing anything that moves, also makes me happy! Just look at that smile :)

Happy Sunday!

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